Build Organizational Muscle Blogs
The Customer Focus Series
Get your marketing priorities straight! Branding and marketing are a whole world. In our world: Being friendly, giving…
The Customer Focus Series
What it is and what it isn’t When I started painting, people would walk up to me on…
The Customer Focus Series
Make it stick! Marketing efforts are important, but they have to be built upon something real. To have…
The Customer Focus Series – Part 8
Does price or emotion determine the evoked set? We want to be the evoked set—a set of one.…
The Customer Focus Series – Part 7
Head trouble off at the pass. Short post today. I just want to answer one question. Exactly what…
The Customer Focus Series – Part 6
Customer Satisfaction Scripted?! You wanna make people happy? Write the script! The whole customer experience at Nolan Painting…