The Customer Focus Series
Get your marketing priorities straight!
Branding and marketing are a whole world. In our world:
Being friendly, giving excellent customer service, being active in the community, and doing great work is our brand.
I want people to know that. They can file it away in the back of their minds for when they need our services. So much of our marketing efforts are about letting people know what we stand for.
We seldom offer deals, specials, or discounts. If we do, we are careful not to make it so much about money. We don’t want to compete on price; we want to compete on value.
Do people recognize your company, and in what way?
We’ve always strive to be known as friendly, clean, reliable, and community-minded.
Throughout the years, we’ve tracked leads to the source—repeat customers are our number one source of business. They tell their friends about us, so referrals are our number two, and our combined marketing efforts are number three. Even though we spend over half a million a year on marketing, most of our customers are repeats and referrals.
So, I can’t forget that when we’re marketing…
We market to our existing customers!
Remember that Coca-Cola and Apple are first marketing to their repeat customers and then looking for new ones.
Always be Marketing!
Get stronger by defining your brand and then prioritizing your marketing. Build muscle. See you next week.