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The Set Point for the Week – Part 6
Humans Collaborating at an Extremely High Level. Everyone that needs to be there, is there. They want to…
The Set Point for the Week – Part 5
Handle the toughies yourself. Planning ahead is key for the success of important meetings. To give you an…
The Set Point for the Week – Part 4
Five field managers. Five reports. Five minutes each. Done. Since the pandemic, the Operations Meeting has become a…
Kevin Nolan Speaking
The Set Point for the Week – Part 3
What’s the Point? There is coffee, doughnuts, and fruit, but I skip them. Nearly 25 people gather in…
The Set Point for the Week – Part 2
Point of Influence For most of my career, I set my alarm at 4:30 am each Wednesday and…
The Set Point for the Week – Part 1
An All-Day High “Once a week, have a meeting about the rules of the game.” When I read…