The Set Point for the Week – Part 2
Point of Influence
For most of my career, I set my alarm at 4:30 am each Wednesday and drove to the office at six o’clock in the morning. On the way, I’d talk to myself about what I would say. But I admit I was always nervous and didn’t sleep that well the night before.
At Nolan Painting, we are all in this together. So we’d all get together, whether it was a bright, dark, sunny, warm, rainy, snowy, or cold early Wednesday morning. We’ve worked hard to get here. So, there’s always been a sense of eliteness, not arrogance, to being up and ready at this hour.
I get to have influence. Then and now, it’s the one day a week I get the opportunity to speak to all of my leaders. I never miss a chance to paint a bright future and remind people about our Mission, Vision, and Values.
We do many things in our Ops Meeting; sometimes, we role-play typical scenarios and develop word tracks. We also discuss sales, marketing, finance and safety, and operations.
No one person hogs the spotlight; we allow others to develop their speaking skills and confidence.
Also, the meeting is safe – all Nolan Painting meetings are safe. Everyone knows an umpire’s gesture when he rules a player to be ‘safe.’ That’s what anyone does in our meeting if someone says anything too sharp or cutting about another employee.
We praise in public and criticize in private. Sometimes we sing happy birthday to someone, and we give rounds of applause for low receivables and other shout outs. Think about the flow of your business. Where could you establish the rhythm of a set point for the week? It gives you influence. It creates unity.
See you Thursday. Build muscle.