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The Customer Focus Series – Part 5
Friendly From Start to Finish Start friendly and end friendly. Let’s finish up the Five Rules of Friendliness…
Woman working with her team
The Customer Focus Series – Part 4
Set the right tone and be ready for exceptions. Last time, we were talking about The Five Rules…
The Customer Focus Series – Part 3
Say ‘Hello.’ Repeat. Are you kidding me? We’re taking the entire blog post for this?! Yep. Believe me,…
The Customer Focus Series – Part 2
Say ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye’ to your customers. (Bonkers, I know!) “Hello, I’m here!” When relating to customers, I’ll…
The Customer Focus Series – Part 1
Know who your customer is…and isn’t. Can you picture who your customer is? I can. I also know…
Planning: That’s My Story and I’m Sticking to It – Part 6
The Blind Leading the Blind… That Just Doesn’t Work Stumbling around blindfolded is no fun; it is even…