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Company Culture: Vision, Mission & Values – Part 6
Only Positive Drama Allowed! There is drama in every culture, so a conversation on culture wouldn’t be complete…
Nolan Painting Team
Company Culture: Vision, Mission & Values – Part 5
“We’re not happy unless you’re happy. We Promise!” I want to talk about our Promise, which is also…
Company Culture: Vision, Mission & Values – Part 4
If you squeezed me, I’d leak out the company’s values.  Values. If you squeezed me, I’d leak our…
Company Culture: Vision, Mission & Values – Part 3
I’m talking about your inner fabric – what you’re made of. Mission. Your mission is your purpose. This…
Company Culture: Vision, Mission & Values – Part 2
Where are you going? What do you want to be? Vision for your company is both personal and…
Company Culture: Vision, Mission & Values – Part 1
No one ever gets tired of breathing!  Today I’m launching a new series on company culture. I know…