Structure: Build Muscle on Strong Bones – Part 8
Know – Show – Do – Review
Every company has to train their people to be competent. We do it through Learning Paths and the Know – Show – Do – Review method. If you don’t have a current system, just borrow mine and apply it to your industry.
Learning Paths. The Learning Paths deal with skills; paths include Apprentice 1 (A1), Apprentice 2 (A2), Painter 1 (P1), Painter 2 (P2), and Master Painter. Our online learning platform houses over 60 modules broken down by job description. For instance, the A1 learning path focuses on prepping, cleaning, organizing, and setting up jobs. The A2 learning path focuses on products, more sophisticated painting skills, and achieving stated production rates. An example of a production rate is the time it takes to paint a door, a window, or 100 square feet of wall. Our goal is to get everybody to work at those rates; our production rates are achievable. The P1 and P2 learning paths focus on how to speed up the process and beat those production rates. Other aspects of P1 and P2 involve advanced patching, spray painting, and carpentry repairs. A Master Painter will have all the knowledge that Nolan Painting expects and will be able to teach others.
Know – Show – Do – Review
Although the learning path modules contain videos, PowerPoints, and PDFs viewed online, real training happens on the job. We use a philosophy called Know – Show – Do – Review. The instructor, in this case, a Master Painter or job leader, will review (know) all the knowledge around the subject with a P1 or P2. For example, the skill might be painting a door, putting tape on the hardware, light sanding, or laying down a drop cloth. First, using the training module as a guide, the instructor will show the correct method or proper technique. Next, the student will attempt to do the task of painting the door. Finally, the instructor and student review the whole process.
These methods work! I hope these inspire you to get a system started that will help your business grow strong with competent employees.
See you Thursday. Build muscle.