Structure: Build Muscle on Strong Bones – Part 4
More meetings! (Now you see why I took up running!) Let’s jump back into essential meetings. Today I’ll talk about our “block meeting;” it is very efficient.
Weekly Block Meeting – Recruiting, Training Committee Meeting, HR, Pre-Ops, Community Outreach
Tuesday mornings are open, but the meetings start again at one o’clock. I like to put them together in a block. We have a Recruiting Meeting first. Eight people are involved in recruiting, especially our new, full-time recruiter Pat, so they all get on a Zoom call together. We always follow an agenda. We review all of the current recruiting strategies as well as potential employees that are in the pipeline.
There is a short break before the Training Committee Meeting. This committee is constantly updating our training program; we have a world-class training program, but it does need updating weekly and annually. So we review one of our 60 modules each week and see how we could improve it. We also examine our leadership competency program to see how we can train more leaders.
That meeting usually runs a full hour, but it has to be over by 3:00 pm because that’s when the HR Meeting happens. Again, the cast of characters changes. My daughter Colleen, director of HR, runs that meeting. We pre-publish an agenda to systematically review all the issues we face. Problems include work injuries, no-call/no-shows, missed bonuses, two-week notices, 90-day reviews, and plenty more. (If I wanted a problem-free life, I would avoid the HR meeting.) HR goes a full hour also. It leads to the next meeting.
I’ll pick it up here later this week to discuss the Pre-Ops, and Community Outreach Meeting. These two close out our block of meetings. Stacking them is productive and time-economical; you’ll just need to build in time for a walk or a run!
See you Thursday. Build muscle (and meeting structure).